Kamis, 16 Mei 2013


it's such a lo~ng time for re-write again! yaps, MOOD.. MOOD.. and MOOD!! i just get feeling to write just NOW~

yaps, look at headlines! "HERE TO STAY"
that's all i want to share!!

kata-kata ini simple banget tapi tetep bisa masuk banget makna nya. dari lagunys si Lenka dan si Sherina, muncul lah kata-kata Here To Stay. Here to Stay nya Sherina english versionnya Ku Disini, yang beneran enak banget buat di denger.
"Don't give up, cause I'M HERE TO STAY. Stay alive we will survive. Don't hide because I'M HERE TO STAY. Stay alive we will survive" 
dan gak tau kenapa denger kata-kata ALIVE langsung inget ama BigBang.. *PLAK!! LOL

dan ini penggalan lirik dari Lenka
" I never knew when enough was enough. Or whether to stay when the going was tough. But I won't let a little heart be afraid And all I can say is,  I am here and I will be, Following my own way, Forever and a day. I am here and I'M HERE TO STAY"
kata-kata ini bener2 ajaib, seengaknya buat aku. LOL
siapapun itu yang bisa bilang i'm here to stay ialah orang-orang hebat. WHY?
SIMPLE! hanya orang-orang yang hebat yang bisa membuat orang lain bangkit dari masa-masa "blues-nya" dan hanya orang-orang terpilih lah yang bisa bilang i'm here to stay! *which is ssometimes they do not know what they are fighting for. but at least, we have to appreciate!



"Don't ever feel tired to fight for what you want and defend what should you Get. And do not ever be afraid to have a dream."

"dream, wake up, and realize your dreams"
get up after fallen was not easy, but look around you who always support you, who always put their trust on you .. look at them, not others! 

keep shining with your own~


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